Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Critiquing Tools


Line;is a mark on a surface that describes a shape or outline
Colour;refers to specific hues and has 3 properties, Chroma, Intensity and Value.  The color wheel is a way of showing the chromatic scale in a circle using all the colors made with the primary triad.  Complimentary pairs can produce dull and neutral color.  Black and white can be added to produce tints (add white), shades (add black) and tones (add gray).
Texture;is about surface quality either tactile or visual. Texture can be real or implied by different uses of media. It is the degree of roughness or smoothness in objects.
Shape;is a 2-dimensional line with no form or thickness. Shapes are flat and can be grouped into two categories, geometric and organic.
Form;is a 3-dimensional object having volume and thickness. It is the illusion of a 3-D effect that can be implied with the use of light and shading techniques.  Form can be viewed from many angles.


Stability; is what gives a design balance and equilibrium. It distributes visual “weight” throughout space making the design seem fluid rather than lopsided or heavy. The balance of a design can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
Dynamics;Dynamics is the arrangement of visual elements in a composition to suggest the illusion of movement or direction. The effective use of dynamics in a design can add an emotive characteristic to your design making it appear restful and calming or active and energetic.
Rhythm; is the design principle that bring everything together. By repeating a visual image rhythm imparts a sense of organization that brings a graphic together. This means that everything on the page is visually joined to something else thus giving the work a feeling of wholeness or “oneness”.
Scale; Scale is the size of an object compared to other objects in a piece.


Proportion; the size of  part of an object compared to the rest of the object.
Negative Space; the space around and between the subject(s) of an image
Mood; the emotional state created by a design
Flowing;  Steady and continuous movement
Jazzy; Showy and/or flashy


Controlled (Line); Restrained and specific 
Chiaroscuro (Colour); The artistic distribution of light and dark masses in a picture
Organic (Shape/Form); Relating to, or derived from living organism e.g. random/sporadic
Geometric (Shape/Form); Composed predominantly of simple geometric forms, such as circles, rectangles, triangles,straight lines etc.
Gooey Texture; Soft and sticky


1 comment:

  1. 8/10 C

    Good work.

    Make sure you format the typography in a consistent way.
