Monday, May 9, 2011


Trends and Designers

A trend I noticed at the conference was the crossover between media, culture, and communications. The presentation of content  being connected through the use of technology as well as material work. For example merging print and web, or interactive media in a physical form such as Natan Linder's 'GetLost' compass & Interactive lamp projection. This trend in design is creating a more tangible experience and connecting a broad range of information and techniques. 
Claudio Kirac's work showed another form of this 'Interactivity'. There was a strong exchange and cross-over between creative fields in his work . This broad range of styles and medium is a noticeable step away from specialty in arts or information skills. As access to information increases there is a renaissance mindset re-ermerging that is visible in Claudio's work. This crossing between fields of art and design is in response to creative Directors collaborating between fields e.g lighting, web, print, photography, art, & design.

There was a re-occuring theme of minimal design and the use of space, shape, and colour. There was an exploration of this in Ken Miki's theory of "Complicated simplicity" and the clean style of his work. Pieces such as his cubed Earth business card and 'snow' art are reflections of this. Though this is a current trend Miki's work has been applying these principles since the 80-90's. A more modern interpretation of this can be seen in Christopher Doyle's work such as the AGDA calendar and for 'The Jezabels' album artwork.

Concept Evaluation

Stephen Dupont's photographic/print work for the 'Raskols' series was one of the most conceptually refined artwork I observed at AGIDEAS. The idea and the impression it left was extremely thorough in it's detail and presentation. The consistency across the photographic style, the presentation of the gallery, and the final publication created a distinguishing character to that body of work. The use of metals and etchings in the final work did alot to convey the subject matter and reinforce the concept.
The dark moody lighting creates a threatening vibe and portrays the danger of his subject matter. The single subject portraits also reflect the sense of identity and strength held by those in frame.
As a whole, Raskols was a highly finished and hugely conceptual work. The simplicity of his work lies in the pure documentation of a specific culture. The idea of the crime, brutality, violence, and poverty of the situation in Papua New Guinea (where these gangs come from) is expressed with a sense of truth and reality through this series.

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