Monday, June 13, 2011

My Team Logo

 My first design is a direct connection between the figures of Greek mythology and present day cage fighters (Mixed Martial Art). The idea of mixed martial arts as the 'ultimate' combat sport and the high level of fitness and technique these athletes achieve, is a reflection of the 'warrior' status and represents power and strength. This is where the comparison between these athletes of brutality and ancients gods is made. The logo is a strong man resembling the imagery associated with ancient greek gods, modernises by the vector style and MMA gear.
 The second concept is based around one of the most used weapons/strikes in MMA-The fist/Punch. This design is strongly vector based as well, The heavy use of outline and the detail in the bulging veins, and shock waves makes this design busy and overall un-succesful. 
This concept has focused again on the fist, this time grasping a thunderbolt. This imagery of the thunder is a link to the Mythology based around the Greek God Zeus. The open-finger gloves also helps to put the logo in context and make it more recognisable as an MMA logo. The dripping blood on the thunderbolt is also heavily suggestive towards violence and aims to capture some of the reality of the sport.

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